Sunday, July 31, 2011

Welcome to Hoffy's Bridge World

Thank you for stopping by!

In the future, I will be posting advanced bidding systems and many things to do with Bridge!

Blooman over 1NT

BLOOMAN OVER 1NT (Published in the March 2006 Bridge Bulletin)
 Use in both Direct and balancing positions

The natural way of bidding over opponents strong 1NT

A convention by Bob Hoffman ( and Irv Bloom

Blooman allows you to make the natural overcalls of (2♣,2,2,2♠) over
opponents 1nt bid, and still have the ability to compete with 2 suited hands.

Blooman is based on the proven premise that a single suited hand of 6 cards
or longer will occur almost 4 times as often as a 2-suited hand 5/5 or longer.

1NT - 2♣, 2, 2, 2♠ = Strong 5 card suit or 6 card or longer suit

1NT - 3♣, 3, 3, 3♠ = Preemptive Bids (6-card or longer suit)

1NT - 2NT = Shows Clubs and diamonds

1NT - X   -   P   -   2♣ (relay bid)
 P    - 2 (hearts and spades); 2 (hearts and a minor); 2♠ (spades and a minor)

If responder has only one or two of doubler’s major, he may bid 2nt,
asking opener to bid his minor suit.

Strong Bids (8+ tricks)

1NT - X   -   P   -   2♣ (relay bid)
 P    - 3, 3♠ (strong 6-card or longer suit)

1NT - X   -   P   -   2♣ (relay bid)
 P    - 2NT (strong 2 suited hand with clubs and diamonds)


The following are additional advantages when using Blooman.
When opponents transfer to hearts and we hold 2 or more hearts, we
know that partner has 5 spades and an unknown minor.

1NT - X - 2(transfer) - 2♠ = 3+ card support for spades
                                  2nt = support for both minors & less than 3 spades

When opponents transfer to spades and we hold 2 or more spades, we
know that partner has 5 hearts and an unknown minor,

1NT - X - 2(transfer) - 3 = 3+ card support for hearts
2nt = support for both minors & less than 3 hearts

We always try to observe the Law of Total Tricks.

BLOOMAN over (1 or 1)  -  P  -  1NT in Direct or Balancing Position
                         (1 or 1)  -  P  -  1NT  -  Blooman

Direct position:
1♣  -  P   -  1NT  -  2; 2; 2; 2( natural bids)

1♣  -  P   -  1NT  -  X (2 suited hand)
 P   -  2♣ -   P     -  2 ( hearts &  spades); 2 ( hearts &  diamonds); 2 (spades and diamonds)

Balancing position:
1♣  -  P  -  1NT  -  P
 P    -  2♣; 2; 2; 2;(natural bids)

1♣  -  P  -  1NT  -  P
 P   -  X (2 suited hand) -  P  -  2♣
 P   -  2 (hearts & spades); 2 (hearts & Diamonds); 2 (spades & Diamonds)

Direct Position:
1  -  P  -  1NT  -  2♣; 2; 2; 2;(natural bids)

1  -  P   -  1NT  -  X (2 suited hand)
 P   -  2♣  -  P      -  2 (hearts & spades); 2 (hearts & clubs); 2 (spades & clubs)

Balancing position:
1   -  P  -  1NT  -  P
 P   - 2♣; 2; 2; 2;♠  (natural bids)

1  -  P  -  1NT  -  P
 P   -  X (2 suited hand) -  P  -  2♣
 P   -  2 (hearts & spades); 2 (hearts & Clubs); 2 (spades & Clubs)


Direct Position:
1♣ - 1NT; 2NT                                     =  minors
1♣ - 1;1;1; 2;2;2;2 ; 3;3  =  natural

 1♣ - X - (pass or 1(0-7pts)) - 2♣
P   -  2(majors); 2(hearts and a minor); 2 (spades and a minor)

 Balancing position:
 1♣  -  P  - 1(0-7pts) 1NT; 2NT                                    =  minors
 1♣  -  P  - 1(0-7pts) - 1;1; 2;2;2;2 ; 3;3♦  =  natural

 1♣  -  P  - 1(0-7pts) - X
P - 2♣ - P - 2 (majors); 2 (hearts & minor); 2 (spades & minor)


Thursday, January 1, 2009


Balanced hand with 20-21 POINTS

A convention by Bob Hoffman

The SUPER 2 DIAMOND BID offers 45 bidding sequences.
An opening 2nt(20-21points) bid offers 10 bidding sequences.

2(20 - 21 points – balanced hand) - P - 2( 0 - 4 points); 2 ( 5+ points)

The SUPER Two Diamond convention allows you to make the following devastating bid.
Opening 2nt bid showing two 5-card minors (6-10 pts).A real problem for the opponents.

Here are 6 ways to escape from playing in 2nt when responder has 0-4 points

2(20-21 points) - P - 2nt(0-4 pts) transfer to 3 clubs – responder has 5+ clubs.
2(20-21 points) - P - Pass (responder has 5+ diamonds)

2(20-21 points) - P - 2(0-4 points) - P
pass, 2, 3, 3 - P - pass.

opener can pass 2 Hearts, bid 2 Spades, 3 clubs or 3 diamonds with a 5 card suit

Because 2 spades is forcing to game
Opener can show 3 or 4-card support when he rebids 3 or 4 hearts

2(20-21 pts)    - P - 2(5+ points) - P
2nt                   - P - 3(transfer to hearts) - P
3nt(2-card support); 3 (3-card support); 4(4-card support)

4-card support and a doubleton may be enough info for responder to bid a slam.

2(20-21 pts) - P - 2(5+ points) - P
2nt                - P - 3(transfer to hearts) - P
3(4 hearts and a doubleton ♠); 4♣(4 hearts and a doubleton ); 4 (4 hearts and a doubleton )

Opener can show 3 or 4-card support when he rebids 3 or 4 spades.

2(20-21 pts)    - P - 2(5+ points) - P
2nt                   - P - 3(transfer to spades) - P
3nt(2-card support); 3(3-card support); 4(4-card support)

4-card support and a doubleton may be enough info for responder to bid a slam.

2(20-21 pts) - P - 2(5+ points) - P
2nt                - P - 3(transfer to spades) - P
4(4 spades and doubleton ♣); 4(4 spades and doubleton ); 4(4 spades and doubleton )

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Welcome to Hoffys Bridge World!

Thank you for stopping by!

In the future, I will be posting advanced bidding systems and many things to do with Bridge!

Blooman over 1NT

BLOOMAN OVER 1NT (Published in the March 2006 Bridge Bulletin)
 Use in both Direct and balancing positions

The natural way of bidding over opponents strong 1NT

A convention by Bob Hoffman ( and Irv Bloom

Blooman allows you to make the natural overcalls of (2♣,2,2,2♠) over
opponents 1nt bid, and still have the ability to compete with 2 suited hands.

Blooman is based on the proven premise that a single suited hand of 6 cards
or longer will occur almost 4 times as often as a 2-suited hand 5/5 or longer.

1NT - 2♣, 2, 2, 2♠ = Strong 5 card suit or 6 card or longer suit

1NT - 3♣, 3, 3, 3♠ = Preemptive Bids (7 card or longer suit)

1NT - 2NT = Shows Clubs and diamonds

1NT - X - P - 2♣ (relay bid)
P - 2(hearts and spades); 2(hearts and a minor); 2♠(spades and a minor)

If responder has only one or two of doubler’s major, he may bid 2nt,
asking opener to bid his minor suit.

Strong Bids (8+ tricks)

1NT - X - P - 2♣ (relay bid)
P - 3, 3♠ (strong 6-card or longer suit)

1NT - X - P - 2♣ (relay bid)
P - 2NT (strong 2 suited hand with clubs and diamonds)


The following are additional advantages when using Blooman.
When opponents transfer to hearts and we hold 2 or more hearts, we
know that partner has 5 spades and an unknown minor.

1NT - X - 2(transfer) - 2♠ = 3+ card support for spades
                                  2nt = support for both minors & less than 3 spades

When opponents transfer to spades and we hold 2 or more spades, we
know that partner has 5 hearts and an unknown minor,
1NT - X - 2(transfer) - 3= 3+ card support for hearts
                                   2nt = support for both minors & less than 3 hearts

We always try to observe the Law of Total Tricks.

It has been discovered that a one suited hand 6+ cards or longer occurs almost
Four times as often as a two suited hand 5/5, 6/5 or 6/6
Blooman is based on this discovery, using all 2 and 3 level bids over
opponents opening 1NT as natural bids.

Easy to remember and very effective when used.

BLOOMAN over (1 or 1)  -  P  -  1NT in Direct or Balancing Position
                         (1 or 1)  -  P  -  1NT  -  Blooman

Direct position:
1♣  -  P   -  1NT  -  2; 2; 2; 2( natural bids)

1♣  -  P   -  1NT  -  X (2 suited hand)
 P   -  2♣ -   P     -  2 ( hearts &  spades); 2 ( hearts &  diamonds); 2 (spades and diamonds)

Balancing position:
1♣  -  P  -  1NT  -  P
 P    -  2♣; 2; 2; 2;(natural bids)

1♣  -  P  -  1NT  -  P
 P   -  X (2 suited hand) -  P  -  2♣
 P   -  2 (hearts & spades); 2 (hearts & Diamonds); 2 (spades & Diamonds)

Direct Position:
1  -  P  -  1NT  -  2♣; 2; 2; 2;(natural bids)

1  -  P   -  1NT  -  X (2 suited hand)
 P   -  2♣  -  P      -  2 (hearts & spades); 2 (hearts & clubs); 2 (spades & clubs)

Balancing position:
1   -  P  -  1NT  -  P
 P   - 2♣; 2; 2; 2;♠  (natural bids)

1  -  P  -  1NT  -  P
 P   -  X (2 suited hand) -  P  -  2♣
 P   -  2 (hearts & spades); 2 (hearts & Clubs); 2 (spades & Clubs)


Direct Position:
1♣ - 1NT; 2NT                                     =  minors
1♣ - 1;1;1; 2;2;2;2 ; 3;3  =  natural

 1♣ - X - (pass or 1(0-7pts)) - 2♣
P   -  2(majors); 2(hearts and a minor); 2 (spades and a minor)

 Balancing position:
 1♣  -  P  - 1(0-7pts) 1NT; 2NT                                    =  minors
 1♣  -  P  - 1(0-7pts) - 1;1; 2;2;2;2 ; 3;3♦  =  natural

 1♣  -  P  - 1(0-7pts) - X
P - 2♣ - P - 2 (majors); 2 (hearts & minor); 2 (spades & minor)
